Plumbing Services in Kellogg, MN

Residents of Kellogg know that Minnesota’s climate can take a toll on all their homes’ systems, including plumbing systems. The good news is that expert Plumbing Services are available year-round. Whether the water heater is on the fritz on the coldest day of winter or residents are just sick of listening to a dripping faucet, they can trust local plumbers to help.

Plumbing Repairs

There are countless things that can go wrong with modern residential plumbing systems, but a qualified Plumbing Contractor can tackle all of them. Whether homeowners are dealing with minor issues like dripping faucets or more serious problems, they should never put off calling for professional help. Even seemingly innocuous problems like minor changes in water pressure and running toilets can wastewater and may indicate more serious underlying issues.

Pipe Replacements

Many older homes feature outdated water supply lines made from galvanized steel, cast iron, or even lead. These types of pipes are prone to corrosion, which can cause serious health risks for the whole family if rust or other contaminants make their way into the drinking water supply. Even if the pipes seem to be holding up fine, it’s best to replace them as soon as possible with one of these safer, more modern alternatives:

    • PEX pipes
    • Copper pipes
    • PVC pipes
    • ABS pipes

Each of these modern plumbing solutions serves a slightly different purpose. However, what all of them have in common is that they will be able to withstand the rigors of daily use and the test of time without introducing contaminants into the family’s water supply.

The pipes in newer plumbing systems aren’t immune to problems, either. If a pipe bursts during a cold Minnesota winter night or starts to develop a leak, homeowners need to take action immediately. Even a small crack can lead to expensive water damage.

Water Heater Services

The right plumbing contractor in Kellogg, MN, won’t just focus on replacing pipes and repairing damaged fixtures. He or she will also be able to provide a wide range of gas and electric water heater services.

Traditionally, most water heaters in Kellogg use natural gas. Though natural gas water heaters remain popular among many homeowners thanks to their low initial cost and ability to perform well in cold temperatures, the popularity of electric water heaters is also on the rise. Electric water heaters are greener, pose fewer safety risks to residents, require less ongoing maintenance, and allow homeowners to avoid concerns about the price fluctuations associated with gas.

Whether homeowners just need to have their existing gas water heater repaired, or they’re ready to upgrade to an energy-efficient tankless alternative, a professional plumber can help. An area homeowner can even get advice from reputable plumbing services in Kellogg, MN, about what kind of water heater to buy and how to size traditional tanked heaters appropriately to meet a family’s needs.

Water Treatment Systems

Want to make sure the whole family has consistent access to clean, soft water? The best way to do that is by installing a whole-home water treatment system that removes contaminants and reduces problems with hard water.

Don’t assume water treatment is only important for households that rely on wells. Municipal water may meet minimum safety standards, but that doesn’t mean it’s perfect. It still contains chemicals, minerals, and other contaminants that can affect everything from how water tastes coming out of the tap to how well it cleans dishes, laundry, and skin.

Additional Services

The plumbing services described above are just a few of the most popular ones offered by local Kellogg plumbers. A good plumbing company will be able to handle a full range of plumbing repairs, replacements, upgrades, and more. Homeowners can also rely on expert plumbing technicians for:

    • Sump pump installations and repairs
    • Routine maintenance services
    • New plumbing system installations
    • Comprehensive plumbing inspections
    • Resolving stubborn clogs in pipes
    • Replacing old or damaged fixtures
    • Upgrading to more water-efficient appliances
    • Dealing with water pressure issues
    • And much, much more

The bottom line here is that, if there’s anything wrong with the plumbing system, homeowners should call for professional help as soon as possible. They can also get help with things like upgrading fixtures, plumbing in home additions, adding bathrooms to finished basements, and maintaining their entire plumbing systems to keep everything running smoothly.

Schedule a Service Call Today

It doesn’t matter what kind of plumbing work Kellogg, MN, homeowners need. From cleaning pipes to replacing water heaters, McNallan Plumbing and Heatling LLC can do it all. Call (507) 767-3116 or schedule a service call online today.